Part-Time Student Employment

Check out the job board featuring positions for part-time student employment, powered by JobBoardly. Find tutorials on how to use this program below.

Student tutorial on how to view part-time on-campus and local job opportunities.

Finding a Part-Time Job

Visit JobBoardly for part-time job opportunities. Follow the link for each job posting to apply. Positions are limited, and we cannot guarantee positions are available for every student who wants one.

Students are limited to 20 hour of part-time on-campus work per week during the academic year. International students are only eligible for on-campus employment unless they are applying for an internship or co-op experience and filing for CPT.

Watch the video or click the link below for a tutorial.

Find a Part-Time Job JobBoardly Tutorial for Finding a Job

Tutorial on how to post a student job on JobBoardly.

Posting a Part-Time Job

Anyone can visit to post their open position to the virtual job board, you will need to provide a link or email for students to apply to your position. The application link can be as simple as a Google or Qualtrics form.

Watch the video or click the link below for a tutorial.

Post a Part-Time JobJobBoardly Tutorial for Posting a Job