Alumni Resources

Career Opportunities and Employer Relations at Missouri S&T offers a variety of services to assist you in your career search.  Whether you are unemployed or considering a career change, you are in the right place. 

As graduates of Missouri S&T, alumni can gain entrance to the fall and spring career and access the following resources:

  • Online Resume Referral - Once registered and your resume has been uploaded into MinerJobs, your resume will be forwarded to requesting companies when it meets the specified job requirements. 
  • Practice Interviews - Up to four per year. 
  • Resume & Cover Letter Critique- Up to five each per year via phone (30 minutes) or email.
  • Advisor Appointments - Up to five one-on-one appointments and five appointments via phone (60 minutes each).
  • LinkedIn Alumni Group - Expands your network to include fellow Alumni and gives recruiters a centralized location to find Missouri S&T grads for their hiring needs.

Job Preparation

Finding a Career

Register with the COER as an Alumni

Alumni need to register with the COER to receive access to services, contact Sara Mitchell for assistance. 

Sara Mitchell

Student Service Coordinator