The Cooperative Education Program (co-op) is designed to provide you with an employment opportunity to gain practical degree-related work experience before you graduate.
The program is structured so you can take a break from your studies and work full-time for one or more semesters, including spring/summer or summer/fall. This allows 8-9 months of work experience versus the 3 summer months allowed for internship positions.
NOTE: Only paid, full-time experiences are eligible for the co-op program. A student would still be expected to enroll in classes to satisfy their enrollment if they accept a part-time and/or unpaid experience.
We offer in-person and virtual appointments to help you with your co-op and internship questions. These meetings are to discuss eligibility, registration, and general information about the co-op program at S&T.
If you would like to discuss finding a co-op or general job search questions, including interview prep and resume review, please schedule a meeting with one of our Career Advisors by clicking the "Schedule an Appointment" link in our site menu.
Upwards of 200 employers hire Missouri S&T co-op students annually. COER also works individually with students who wish to co-op with an employer who does not currently participate in the Missouri S&T co-op program.
You can apply for these positions through the traditional resume/interview job search process facilitated by COER. Before you can be considered for a co-op, you need to register with Handshake.
To be eligible to participate in the co-op program, you must satisfy the following requirements:
Freshman students are eligible after two semesters.
Transfer students are immediately eligible. A transfer student who is participating in a co-op program through another institution may transfer and continue the co-op affiliation subject to Missouri S&T's guidelines.
Graduate students are eligible after completing one semester. The one semester requirement is waived if the student received an undergraduate degree from Missouri S&T.
Find guidelines and information on the CPT process by visiting International Affairs.
If you would like to petition to waive the requirements set by Career Opportunities and Employer Relations in order to participate in the Cooperative Education Program at Missouri S&T, please fill out the Co-op Waiver Form.
Employers hire throughout the academic year. Most commonly, employers prefer to recruit for combined semesters (summer/fall or spring/summer), and will then decide to make additional offers based on student performance and employer needs. Other options are alternating multiple semesters of study with employment. However, this is a decision between the employer and student, and the schedule can be arranged as agreed on by the parties. It is Missouri S&T policy that students are not away from their studies for a full academic year unless prior authorization is given by the academic department.
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